Archives for TJCII

The Seven Affirmations

Our Statement to Affirm the Messianic Jewish Movement Consistent with the principle of respect for diversity in the Body of Christ concerning Jewish and Gentile identity established in the original Jerusalem Council of Acts chapter 15, we make the following statement: We affirm the election of Israel, its irrevocable nature and God’s unfinished work with the Jewish people regarding salvation and the role of Israel as a blessing to the nations. We encourage Jews who come to faith in the Messiah, Jesus, to retain their Jewish identity and live as part of their people in ways consistent with the New
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Obeying the Lord Together

Many of us will know by now that Fr. Peter Hocken (pictured left on the featured image) passed away in early June 2017. Peter was was a British theologian and historian of the Catholic Charismatic Renewal and the Pentecostal movement in the twentieth century. Peter was a leader within Toward Jerusalem Council II and will be greatly missed by all of us. A number of branches of TJCII have made a statement regarding the passing of our brother in Christ and I would like to take the opportunity to mark his passing as well. Since I only met Peter once many
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Father Peter Hockens’ final talk at the Kiev conference went something like this… Everything that we have heard in this consultation so far – the complementarity of Israel and the nations, the Church as the union of Jew and Gentile through the cross of the Messiah, the ingrafting of the Gentiles into the natural olive tree of Israel, the need of Jews and Gentiles for each other – all this now needs to be applied in the area of eschatology. TJCII as a vision for Jewish and Gentile reconciliation in Messiah requires the reconciliation of the Jewish and the Christian
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The Messianic Jewish Movement in Israel

Article by Prof. Dan Juster This is the 3rd article in a series on the Messianic Jewish Movement.  The 1st on North America, and 2nd on Russian-speaking Messianic Jews appear in the 2013 Spring and Summer issues, respectively. A few years ago, Toward Jerusalem Council II put out a booklet entitled The Messianic Jewish Movement. While there could be some improvement, it was basically accurate at the time it was written. Some of it was based on the book by Kai Kjaer-Hansen called Myths and Facts on Messianic Jews of Israel (1998). Generally, the bulk of the movement traces itself
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What Can I do?

1. Pray for the revelation about the importance of Israel and the Jewish people. We can read Scripture and never see its significance. Ponder well Paul’s 9th through 11th chapters of Romans, especially the 11th chapter where he clearly teaches that God is not finished with Israel, that He has not rejected them forever. Look carefully at Paul’s words regarding the salvation of Israel and the irrevocable call of God on this people, then pray that the “eyes of your heart may be opened (Ephesians 1). 2. Repent for not being Romans 11:11 believers. Paul tells his Gentile believers that they should
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